Gold Plate Awards
What are the Gold Plate Awards
- The Gold Plate Awards are a well regarded and highly successful hospitality industry awards program
- The Gold Plate Awards have been conducted by The Catering Institute of Australia since 1967.
- For 58 consecutive years, operators of many restaurants, cafes and the like from all over Western Australia have participated and received the benefit of the aims and objectives of the award program ‘To reward excellence and to encourage the endeavours of committed industry professionals by giving them a means of improving and promoting their businesses’
- The Gold Plate Awards Program is a great way to increase team morale within your establishment, and give you and your staff positive objectives and goals to work towards during the year
As A Gold Plate Entrant
- The Catering Institute of WA, are here to help make the experience of being part of the Awards enjoyable, educational and rewarding to your business.
- Our aim through the program is to not only reward excellence in hospitality but drive consumers into your restaurant through aligning your establishment with the 2025 Gold Plate Awards.
- All entrants have the opportunity to a free de-brief after the judging has been completed. Non finalists after the 31st July 2025 and finalists after the 31st October 2025. It is the responsibility of the entrant to obtain a debrief
- The Gold Plate Awards is a not-for-profit event of the Catering Institute and monies received from entry fees are invested in judging. All fees are tax deductible. All fees are recovered, as the judges pay for the meals as a part of the judging process
Gala dinner will be held 27th October 2025, venue to be confirmed. This night is the highlight of the year for the Catering Institute.
Please click here to see the winners list